Is Jumu`ah Prayer valid with a congregation of only four men?


Q: We are a group of Muslims here in France. We have a Masjid (mosque) where we offer all the Salahs (prayers) except the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer because of the time. In winter, we have no problem in observing the Jumu'ah Prayer; the Zhuhr (Noon) Salah is due at one o'clock pm when we are at home. However, from the beginning of March, the French government (Part No. 7; Page No. 68) set the clock forward an hour and they call this 'summer time'. The Zhuhr then is at two o'clock in the afternoon when we are at work; hence, we cannot offer the Jumu`ah Salah. Is it permissible for us to offer the Jumu`ah Salah one hour before its due time in Summer; i.e. at one o'clock in the afternoon like in winter? If it is impermissible, then what is the solution to this? Also, is the Jumu`ah Salah valid with a congregation of only four men?

A: First: It is obligatory for you to offer the Jumu`ah Salah in the afternoon. If your work conditions allow you to offer it at the beginning of its time, then this is good, otherwise, you may offer it in the middle or at the end of its time. Nonetheless, delaying it beyond its specified time is impermissible, as Allah (Exalted be He) says: Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. In addition to other supporting evidence. Second: According to the authentic opinion held by Muslim scholars, the Jumu`ah Salah can validly be offered by a minimum congregation of three people or greater, for there is no proof to stipulate a specific number beyond the three. Hence, if you are four men, you may offer the Jumu`ah Salah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
